Product Engineering “All-Star” Candidate, #62477

“Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.”  Coco Chanel I normally don’t feature quotes from French fashion designers.  Yet, when I read Coco’s quote, it resonated with me as many times an engineering “All-Star” must overcome challenges and insurmountable hurdles on a regular basis.  The engineering “All-Star” will apply…

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Operations Leadership & Manufacturing Engineering “All-Stars” #38551, #61075

“I knew that if I failed, I wouldn’t regret that.  But I knew the one thing I might regret is not trying.”  Jeff Bezos If Bezos didn’t try to launch in 1995, he wouldn’t have been named the world’s wealthiest individual by Forbes in 2021.  M-Works Search Engineering “All-Stars” try as well.  Many times…

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Sales Engineering “All-Star” Candidate, #44992

“The first one gets the oyster, the second gets the shell.”  -Andrew Carnegie This quote jumped out when I was reviewing quotes last weekend.  In a nutshell, or oyster shell, it’s Andrew Carnegie’s take on “the early bird gets the worm adage.” No different from oysters or birds, the top sales professionals typically get the orders. …

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Plastics Engineering “All-Star” Candidate #62013

“We all need people who give us feedback.  That’s how we improve.”  Bill Gates As an engineering recruiter, I seek feedback during every discussion whether I’m speaking to a manufacturing client or an engineering candidate.    As a search consultant, I need and improve with feedback.  Without any feedback, I can’t provide the best service…

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